- The maths of membranes - how differential geometry can be useful for biology
- Interactive and open textbooks for the 21st century
- Ooogstfestival (Kamereyck, January 2025)
- SURF education days (The Hague, November 2024)
- NPuls collectiedag (Utrecht, September 2024)
- Open Interactive Textbook Symposium (Delft, March 2023)
- Open science festival (Rotterdam, August 2023)
- Toplogical soft matter
- Dutch Research School of Theoretical physics (Wageningen, May 2024)
- From balls and springs to colonies and tissues: a theoretical physicist's perspective
- Trends in Theory (Wageningen, May 2024)
- Computational soft matter seminar, University of Amsterdam (May 2024)
- EDCB symposium EPFL (October 2023)
- Cambridge university (September 2023)
- Lorentz center workshop (Leiden, May 2022)
- Utrecht University (October 2021)
- Effective bacterial aggregation is achieved by partial disassembly (Rachel Los)
- The biophysics of development - how you got to be who you are
- Casimir conference (The Hague, June 2023)
- Nanobiology
- Fysica conference (Delft, May 2023)
- Biologische vouwkunst
- Nationale Wiskunde Dagen (Noordwijkerhout, April 2023)
- Open learning materials in Nanobiology
- SURF webinar (March 2021)
- The maths of membranes: differential geometry in living cells
- Physics@Veldhoven session on maths and physics (January 2020)
- Collective dynamics in tissues and colonies
- Utrecht university physics seminar (September 2019)
- Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Dynamical Systems (Göttingen, Germany, December 2018)
- Emergent collective dynamics in large collections of active particles
- Meetkunde in de cel
- Nationale Wiskunde Dagen (Veldhoven, the Netherlands, February 2019)
- Membrane-mediated pattern formation
- Bio-Mechanics workshop on cell membrane dynamics, micro-circulation and plasticity in tissue (Oslo, Norway, November 2018)
- Mechanics of tissue formation - how cells come together
- Black hole biophysics
- Physics of membranes and vesicles
- Cellular pattern formation in early embryo development
- Pattern formation through curvature-mediated interactions in highly curved membranes (Afshin Vahid)
- Life as an emergent phenomenon: how local interactions lead to biological function at the global scale
- Harvard University physics seminar (Harvard, Cambridge, MA, November 2016)
- UPenn condensed matter seminar (Philadelphia, PA, October 2016)
- Mechanical interactions in the early development of insect embryos (Tania Vazquez Faci)
- Membrane mediated interactions: shaping the world to fit your needs
- KNAW Biophysics meeting (Amsterdam, March 2016)
- Moving without a leader - the collective movement of self-propelled particles (Ruben van Drongelen)
- Collective dynamics in biology
- TU Delft Chemistry seminar (December 2015)
- Leiden University biophysics seminar (Leiden, October 2014)
- Harvard University mathematics seminar (Harvard, Cambridge, MA, November 2014)
- Synchronization wavefronts in early Drosophila embryos
- Georg-August-Universität (Göttingen, Germany, January 2013)
- Université de Lorraine (Metz, France, November 2012)
- Princeton University biophysics seminar (April 2012)
- VU Amsterdam (April 2012)
- APS March meeting (Boston, MA, March 2012)
- Harvard WAM seminar (Cambridge, MA, December 2011)
- Syracuse physics seminar (Syracuse, NY, December 2011)
- Leiden University theoretical physics seminar (Leiden, November 2011)
- TU Delft (November 2011)
- Of waves and fruit flies
- LRSM seminar (UPenn, Philadelphia, PA, June 2011)
- Keeping track of embryo development: new insights in the coupling between local and global changes
- APS March meeting (Dallas, TX, March 2011)
- Bridging biology and physics in syncytial Drosophila embryos
- Princeton University biophysics seminar (December 2010)
- The math of membranes and motors
- University of Pennsylvania Soft Matter MRSEC seminar (April 2010)
- Carnegie Mellon soft matter seminar (Pittsburgh, April 2010)
- A new model for contact inhibition and tumorigenesis
- This weeks discoveries (Leiden Faculty of Science seminar, November 2009)
- Membrane organization - from phase separation to the sorting of large domains
- Leiden general physics colloquium (June 2009)
- The magic of membranes - where differential geometry and biology meet
- Cambridge DAMTP seminar (Cambridge, UK, May 2009)
- The math of membranes - how differential geometry can be useful for biology
- UCLA physics/chemistry theory seminar (Los Angeles, California, January 2009)
- UPenn physics seminar (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 2009)
- Life by means of random processes - A story of diffusion, regulation, cooperation and the usefulness of inefficiency
- Leiden mathematics seminar (October 2008)
- Membrane mediated sorting
- FOM Biophysics days (Veldhoven, September 2008)
- FOM program meeting (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, November 2008)
- Ncd pulls along - how nonprocessive motors can contribute by being inefficient
- Casimir spring school (Heeg, May 2008)
- The maths of membranes - how differential geometry can be useful for biology
- Leiden Mathematics Seminar (March 2007)
- Theory Seminar Institut Curie (Paris, France, January 2008)
- This weeks discoveries (Leiden Faculty of Science seminar, April 2008)
- Towards understanding the shape of multi-component bilayer vesicles
- Barbapapa's at the cellular level - towards understanding the shape of multi-component bilayer vesicles
- Casimir spring school (Heeg, 2006)
- DRSTP spring school (Driebergen, 2006)
- Universitas Jagellonica (Krakau, Poland, 2006)
- Subcritical transitions in the parallel-plate flow of viscoelastic fluids
- EU phynecs network meeting (Cargese, Corsica, France, 2004)