How to reach us

Main group contact
Ms. Ava Nievaart
Office:  F1.020
Phone:  +31 15 27 86977
Email:  a.nievaart [at] tudelft [dot] nl

Timon Idema
Office:  F1.390
Phone:  +31-15-2782867
Email:  t.idema [at] tudelft [dot] nl

Individual phone numbers / email addresses
See the people page.


Where to find us

Physical address
Van der Maasweg 9
2629 HZ Delft
The Netherlands
(building 58 on the campus map)

Postal address
Department of Bionanoscience
Kavli Institute of NanoScience
TU Delft
Postbus 5046
2600 GA Delft
The Netherlands